Netflix has released a new documentary series including three parts named “I Just Killed My Dad”. True to this series name, the show reveals the crime story and other disturbing facts that made a teenager kill his dad.
This series mainly speaks about the boy’s psyche and trial, whose name is Anthony Templet. The story reveals several facts and events that end up with his father’s murder.
The scariest fact about the true story is the reaction of Anthony Templet. In the series trailer, someone reveals that Anthony is a blank slate because there is no idea about he has any empathy. Also, the story reveals several facts in addition to a teen, a gun, and a dead father. Here we will discuss who is Anthony Templet and his current status.
Who is Anthony Templet?
Who is Anthony Templet? Anthony Templet is a 17-year-old who killed his father, Burt Templet three years ago. He was living in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Recently, he spoke with “I Just Killed My Dad” producers about how he killed his father.
What Did Anthony Templet do?

On June 3, 2019, Anthony shot his father who was 53 years old at the time of death. But the shocking fact is that Anthony accepted his crime by informing a 911 operator on the phone. This was based on the local news station WAFB9 report. Burt was no more and he was struggling to survive only a few days after shooting.
Anthony confessed his situation to the police. According to his statement, “My dad tried to attack me. Then, we entered into the fight and I managed to enter a room and closed the door. In the room, I got my father’s gun.
When I opened the door, I saw my dad trying to attack me, so I shot him. I just killed my father by shooting thrice.” His quote became the title of the series “I just killed my dad.”
The fight between dad and son started during an argument about Anthony’s phone. Burt was trying to check his phone regarding his contact with his ex-wife, Susan Templet.
Also, Anthony said that Burt was drunk and hit him in a hangover condition. Before he ran to the room and closes the door, there was a fist-fight and thus, he took a gun into the room to shoot him.
Also, the news station came up with the reports that Anthony shot his father only two times. But as per Anthony’s report, he shot his dad three times, as he was trying to shoot his head.
Was Anthony Arrested?
The police arrested Anthony soon after murdering his father, though he accepted his crime. He also said that he killed his father in self-defense. In the series, Anthony says that he continuously suffers from abuse from his father for many years.
His father has been torturing him and used to beat him several hours a day. Furthermore, there were cameras all around the house to watch Anthony by his father. Also, Burt didn’t send his son to the school.
Burt’s ex-wife, Susan also came up with her statement about Burt’s abusive act during their relationship. She even had an order of protection before the death of Burt as per WAFB9.
But some have doubts regarding this comment of Anthony. According to him, his father physically attacked him. But the law enforcement officer didn’t see any bruises on Anthony.
The documentary series says that there are no signs of fights and physical struggles in their house as per the police report. There is no evidence like Anthony was shooting his father in self-defense.
Another Shocking Fact Anthony’s Half-Sister Reveals About His Kidnap
The story is getting stranger when Anthony’s half-sister, Natasha spoke about the kidnapping of Anthony at the age of 5. While watching the news, Natasha got to know that he was her long-lost sibling.
According to Natasha, Burt kidnapped Anthony when they were staying in Texas. For more than a decade, they are searching for Anthony it seems.
Anthony’s Arrest & Charges

Anthony got charged with second-degree murder and it was even reduced to a manslaughter charge. In January 2021, Anthony’s attorney got help from other attorneys like
- East Baton Rouge District Attorney, Hillar Moore
- Assistant DA Dana Cummings
As a result, Anthony got zero jail time based on USA Today. In 2021, the court didn’t give any sentence to Anthony but pled no contest to negligent homicide. After the boy’s release from jail, he needs to serve a sentence of five years (Supervised probation).
Where is Anthony Templet Now?
Soon after his release from probation, Anthony joined his mother after a long period of struggle. The boy is also staying in touch with Ambeau, who posted photos on Instagram.
According to his Instagram post, Anthony is now leading a peaceful life with his family members. He is now working full-time after finishing his GED. Also, he is getting regular counseling by managing his time.
Based on his sentence, Anthony needs to get a high school diploma. Also, he needs to attend counseling. Then, he should get a job full-time or go to school. If he can do all these things, then the criminal record will get wiped clean.
Almost, he is completing the requirements of the sentence. Thus, he is back to normal life and leading a peaceful life with his family.
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