Back in November 1997, Josephine Bell was a teenage girl part of the group of girls who attacked Reena Virk in a revenge mission gone wrong for this she was charged. More than 25 years later, people still wonder: the plot has a character named Josephine Bell but the script never informs the viewer where she is now. Despite the fact she has not been charged for the murder of Virk, the episode has indelibly affected her.
A Dark Chapter Begins
It could be inferred that Reena Virk was a comparatively introverted girl while Josephine Bell was totally an extrovert kind of girl. They were spending time in a group home; this is a facility where many youths struggling with different issues are placed. Nevertheless, this friendship could not last long, because soon, they started having conflicts with each other.
The Revenge Plot Unfolds
Josephine Bell, whose real name is in fact Nicole Cook, was a friend of Reena Virk and thus has a strong reason to feel wronged by Reena. From Bell’s perspective, Virk had defamed her character by telling nasty rumours about her of which most were lies in her personal life. This created a lot of anger in Bell on the need to revenge which led to a night of November 14, 1997.
The Night of The Attack
At that night, Bell and other teenagers including Craig were loitering by Craigflower Bridge which was one of their meeting points. From the account given by Bell, the fight started when she chased Virk accusing him of passing gossips. The events that took place were a viscous assault by several girls among whom were Bells friends namely; Missy Pleich and Kelly Ellard.
Aftermath of the attack
Bell said she and most of the group got away after the first beating, but Ellard and Warren Glowatski remained. Ellard and Glowatski further patrolling abused her and was later drowned by the duo by pulling down her pants and holding her down on the bayonet of water until she died.
Life after the incident
It is safe to conclude that after the incidence Josephine Bell led a normal life just like any other woman of her classes with references to moving around and doing her things without much hindrance.
Josephine Bell was not convicted for Reena VirWhere Is Josephine Bell Now?k’s murder or any murder for that matter. To this date she has only agreed to a single interview that she granted in a special MSNBC segment known as Death Under the Bridge where she has been interviewed by Keith Morrison. Since then, Bell has left a very quiet existence for herself in order not to be in the lime light again.
Teenage pregnancy was rife in Bell’s teenage years, she used to run away from home and she stayed within the group homes. It is, therefore, within these homes that she encountered Virk, which precipitated the beginning of their short but volatile sinful association.
Reflections on the Past
During the interview with Morrison, bell claimed that Virk was insecure and jealous hence resulting to their break up. He knew that when women get angry their motive becomes more serious because of the need to exact a terrible revenge: She told him how Virk had been circulating slander about her. They should have learned the previous week that involving friends in the plot can have fatal results when Bell decided to go through with it that night.
Ludicrous Famous Person
Up to date, Josephine Bell has no public activity and has retreated from public life as she used to be in the middle of public issues. Her case remains a sad testimony to cases of how conflicts that may arise among teenagers can lead to very serious consequences such as involve death.
Thus, the story of Josephine Bell can be described as a desperate act of revenge and the punishment that followed. Despite this, “Where is Josephine Bell now” is a topic that can be discussed, and many people are still curious about it, although the woman herself has remained rather anonymous. In Bell’s case, she could never forget she was involved in the death of Reena Virk and this will always be a part of her.
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