Users of Laravel are able to route all of their application needs to the controller that is most appropriate thanks to routing. Since this should be a straightforward and expressive method of routing, Laravel’s fundamental routes recognize and take a Uniform Asset Identifier in addition to a closure. This is because it is the most basic kind of route.
What exactly is a route?
A request URL for your application can be generated with the help of a route. These URLs do not need to correspond to particular files on a website in order to function properly. The fact that these URLs are accessible by humans as well as friendly to search engines makes them an excellent choice.
The routes folder is where they are created when using Laravel’s routing system. The web.php file is where the routes for the website are generated. Similarly, the api.php file is where the routes for the API are generated.
Laravel’s initial setup includes two routes: one for the web, and the other for the application programming interface (API). The following is an example of what the route for the web looks like in web.php:
Route::get(‘/’, function () {
return view(‘welcome’);
The code that you just looked at includes a definition for a route for the homepage. Returning the view is welcome whenever this route is given a get request for / is something that will always happen. In the next part of this series, which will be released soon, I will talk about the application’s views, which serve as the program’s frontend.
Your Laravel routes are completely described in the files that are stored in the routes directory, which may be accessed at any time. These entries are accordingly stacked by the AppProvidersRouteServiceProvider that is associated with your application. The routes that are used for your web interface are defined in the record named routes/web.php.
The path has a fairly straightforward organisation to it. Launch the necessary file (either ‘web.php’ or ‘api.php’), and insert ‘Route::’ at the beginning of the code. After this, the request that you want to assign to that particular route comes next, and after that, the function that will be run as a direct result of the request that came before it comes after that.
The following route methods are available with Laravel:
- get
- post
- put
- delete
- patch
- options
Laravel’s Route class is where a route’s definition is stored, along with an HTTP verb, the route it will reply to, and either a closure or a controller approach.
While working on Laravel, developers may at times also experience challenges like the challenges: like error message – “The POST method is not supported for this route. Supported methods: GET, HEAD”
What are the Solution Strategies for error message – “The POST method is not supported for this route. Supported methods: GET, HEAD”?
1. In order to This route does not allow the POST way of communication. Methods that are supported are: GET, HEAD Error In order to send in an HTML form using a POST request, you will need to include two more fields in your form.
The first one is called @csrf field, and the second one is called @method(‘PUT’). Alternatively, you can add a method field(‘PUT’), which stands for put. And at this point, the problem with your work will be fixed.
2. At some point, in order to solve This route does not allow the POST way of communication. Methods that are supported are: GET, HEAD Error The only thing you need to do to fix the problem is erase the route cache in your browser. In most cases, this error is brought on by a failure to clear the route cache.
Therefore, all you need to do is execute the artisan command with the route:cache option from the project’s root directory. Simply put this command into action: php artisan route:cache And at this point, the problem with your mistake will be successfully resolved.