Pushin’ P most commonly means embracing integrity and style while maintaining and displaying one’s harvest in life. In fact, Pushin P more generically means keeping it player, that is… keeping it real. Pushin P is a song by American rappers Gunna and Future. You will also experience the fertile performance of Young Thug in this song. The track takes the help of the harmoniously mad alliteration to induce hypnosis. You will catch the trio rapping about “pushing p”. It’s a phrase that Gunna popularized. Indeed, the phrase means to “keep it real.”

With the song seeing the light of the day, the phrase “pushin P” has become an online sensation. Indeed, it has taken the world of the internet by storm. People are indulging in it like crazy. The phrase has become way too viral. Most of us don’t even know the real meaning of the term. “P” means “player”. It’s a revolutionary phrase, in mad mad circulation. The phrase also means to push positivity and keep it real. That’s amazing, isn’t it .. to nurture positivity and to keep it real! This term is a favourite go-to given the times when everything is weary and bleak, where every second person is fighting negative psychological spaces like depression and anxiety and paranoia.
P might also mean peace. Thus, the term is very contemporary and relevant. In fact, the charm lies in the multiplicity of meanings and plurality of interpretations. The imprecision, the inconclusivity appeals to us as it initiates us into the vast unknown of infinite play of meaning. Gunna stated that when something contains negative connotations it is not “P”. Like sexual abuse, bullying, emotional blackmail is definitely not P. Supporting your partner through vulnerabilities and crises is most certainly P. So, P means positivity. Thus, this letter and the signifying term .. positivity.. has immense relevance in today’s times.
Keep it real
P also means player or to keep it real. Indeed, one should always keep it real. Authenticity is what is desirable. Honesty, candidness, truthfulness, and passionate sincerity are archetypal virtues. It’s inspiring how a song, a rap piece, raises awareness and helps to bring a positive change in the society. To keep it real is what one should seek after. When we call something great, we call it so, because it keeps it real. From a text of literature to a work of cinema, we call it great because it portrays real life. Perhaps, literature or cinema is great not because it shows reality but it reproduces the real.

The success of the song..
The song Pushin P is dark and brooding. It’s haunting and affecting. Precisely what a good song must be. Michael Di Gennaro calls the song a masterpiece. The song forges the type of emotional reaction it wants to invoke among the audience. Indeed, the artists know how to bury out the emotions they want the audience to respond to the song with.
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