Embarking on an enchanting journey into “The Little Mermaid,” the character of Flounder stands out with its unwavering loyalty and playful demeanor. While the original Hans Christian Andersen fairy tale takes a darker turn, the 1989 Disney adaptation introduces Flounder as a colorful and lively companion to the young mermaid protagonist.
Flounder from Disney’s “The Little Mermaid”:
In Disney’s rendition, Flounder emerges as a vibrant character, infusing the underwater kingdom with his bright yellow hue, blue stripes, and fins. Contrary to the expectations associated with his name, Flounder’s appearance leans more toward that of an angelfish or another tropical reef fish, showcasing lively and vivid colorations. Though his exact species remains uncertain, Flounder’s animated presence elevates the charm of the underwater world.
What Does a Real Flounder Look Like?
In reality, flounders belong to a group of flatfish designed to seamlessly blend with the sea floor. Classified into four families—Achiropsettidae, Pleuronectidae, Paralichthyidae, and Bothidae—within the order Pleuronectiformes, these fish exhibit various colors ranging from white on their undersides to different shades of brown and gray on their topsides. Flounders, known for their ability to camouflage, may display tints like pink, orange, blue, green, or black. Notably, their eyes are situated on the same side of their flat bodies, with variations in placement depending on the family.
The two main families of flounders are right-eyed and left-eyed, indicating the side on which both of their eyes are positioned. This unique eye placement allows flounders to lie flat on the ocean floor, closely resembling their surroundings.
Other Underwater Characteristics
Ariel’s underwater adventures also introduce us to other fascinating characters. Sebastian, often mistaken for a lobster, is a crab with unique features, while menacing moray eels, Flotsam and Jetsam, bring an element of danger to the tale. Scuttle, a peculiar seagull, adds comedic relief as he helps Ariel navigate the human world.
While Flounder’s exact species in “The Little Mermaid” remains a delightful mystery, his portrayal in the animated realm adds a tropical flair to the underwater narrative. In reality, flounders, with their distinct flatfish features and subtle color variations, showcase nature’s camouflage prowess. Whether swimming alongside a mermaid princess or navigating the depths of ocean adventures, Flounder, both in fiction and reality, continues to captivate audiences with his vibrant personality and intriguing characteristics.
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