In Sofia Coppola’s latest cinematic venture, “Priscilla,” the acclaimed filmmaker unveils the enigmatic tale of Priscilla Presley, providing an intimate look behind the veil of the woman often overshadowed by the rock’n’roll legend, Elvis Presley. Reflecting on her creative journey, Coppola acknowledges the unique challenges posed by adapting Priscilla’s memoir, marking her first foray into living history.
Coppola, known for her exploration of strong but lonely female protagonists, finds resonance with Priscilla, considering it a thematic continuation of her prior works like “Lost In Translation” and “Marie Antoinette.” However, “Priscilla” stands apart, offering a poignant blend of fairytale romance and darker realities, unraveling the myth of a dreamlike existence at Graceland.
Navigating the complexities of delving into living history, Coppola expresses her fascination with Priscilla’s narrative, acknowledging the perils associated with probing Elvis Presley’s estate.
In the discussion with Deadline, Sofia Coppola revealed the origins of her latest project, tracing back to a book she stumbled upon a decade ago, titled ‘Elvis and Me’ with a compelling heart-shaped frame on its mass paperback cover. “Initially, I didn’t expect to be so moved by it. The question lingered – could a character like this fit into a film, or would it echo too much of ‘Marie Antoinette’?” she shared.
Years later, sparked by a conversation with a friend about Priscilla Presley’s narrative, Coppola revisited the book. “Upon rereading it, I was captivated by the world it painted, a vivid landscape of Graceland and 1960s Memphis – something entirely fresh for me, rich in Americana,” she expressed. The story’s resonance, especially regarding women’s roles and societal expectations, struck a chord with Coppola, reflecting on her mother’s generation.
Transitioning from a challenging Edith Wharton adaptation during the pandemic, Coppola found solace in this new venture. “I felt this story was in my realm but still presented a challenge. The unknown aspect of Priscilla’s life fascinated me,” she disclosed. “Living in Graceland with Elvis while still in high school was unimaginable. The aura of Elvis’s fame back then was overwhelming and irresistible,” Coppola reflected, considering how such an influential figure’s charm affected a teenager’s perspective.
Delving into the teenage mindset, Coppola aimed to depict the complexity of Priscilla’s experience, attempting to empathize with the character’s viewpoint. “Immersing oneself in that crush, feeling special and sophisticated, often blinds us to inappropriate situations,” she reflected, emphasizing the challenge in understanding Priscilla’s world, where her first kiss was with Elvis Presley, an almost inconceivable reality.