Robert Sylvester Kelly is known all over the world as a singer and a multidimensional artist. But he was sentenced to prison for 30 years. Thus this shows that the magnitude of charges, in this case, must be immense. Moreover, he will not have to suffer state-level charges in Illinois. Hence many factors come into play in this regard.
Wish to know more? Want to know some details? We will help you in that case and so do not worry at all. Thus let us find out more.
What Was The Crime?
Any prison sentence is due to some crime committed. Therefore, there must be some crime here as well. We find Robert Sylvester Kelly facing racketeering and sex trafficking charges. These include sex trafficking and the production of child pornography. Therefore, both of these charges are very significant to reckon with.
The federal courts in the USA take these matters very seriously. Thus there is a propensity in this matter to reckon with.

Federal charges
Interestingly all these charges against Robert Sylvester Kelly will be federal. There will not be any state-level charges against him. For the uninitiated, let us then explore a bit regarding such charges. Charges system in the USA
The justice system in the United States of America is such that charges are specified on two levels. Hence on one hand we find federal charges while on the other we find state charges.
In the case of Illinois state charges, those will not be levied on Robert Sylvester Kelly. Hence that is a very important thing you must know from the very outset.
Reason for this
You might be wondering why there aren’t any state charges for Robert Sylvester Kelly. Well, you see state budgets are always starved of funds. They have limited resources. Hence the authorities do not find it worth pursuing as already federal charges are there against Robert Sylvester Kelly.
The official statement goes
“Due to the extensive sentences that these convictions hold, our office has decided not to continue to expend our limited resources and court time with the indictments that we previously charged [against].”
Nature of federal conviction
Kelly was found guilty of the federal charges. The federal court of New York sentenced him. He also faces 10 to 90 years from the federal court in Illinois.

Many women victims
The most important aspect is that Kelly had many women victims. Therefore, he is responsible for ruining the lives of many. It is also evident in the statement of the judge:
“You left in your wake a trail of broken lives.”
Justification of attorneys
The attorneys tried to justify the crimes of Kelly. They said that Kelly suffered a traumatic childhood. Hence there was somewhat of a driving factor for him in the world of crime.
The judge however dismissed these saying that this might be a partial explanation but no excuse whatsoever.
All state charges are dropped against him. However, based on federal charges he will not be released till he is 80 years old.
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