Did you know that dental technologies are always evolving? Both in-office care and remote care are better than ever, and the best dental offices are taking advantage of everything that they can get their hands on.
Is your dentist or orthodontist using the best new dental technology?
If you’re not in the know about modern dental care, we’re here to explain. Keep reading to learn all about some of the newest dental technology.
Artificial Intelligence
Did you know that the technology of AI has made its way into the world of dentistry?
It’s true. While artificial intelligence was once considered a thing of the far-off future, used in science fiction films and the occasional fantasy. This AI is far from science fiction. Instead, artificial intelligence is used to help diagnose patients with various dental health issues. At the moment, it’s best for a “second opinion” after a “real” dentist makes an initial diagnosis.
If the artificial intelligence program agrees, that extra confirmation can help dentists and patients alike feel more comfortable with moving forward with treatment. AI will never replace dentists, but it’s a great tool for streamlining the process of diagnosis and avoiding errors.
Laser Dentistry
Does the idea of lasers in your mouth make you uncomfortable? It shouldn’t. Laser dentistry is a good tool for some dental procedures. It’s meant to replace a drill. This helps dentists avoid that anxiety-inducing noise as well as some of the discomfort from vibration. With laser dentistry, some patients find that they require less local anesthetic. Local anesthetic is often uncomfortable, and the feeling lasts for several hours. It can even cause patients to damage their teeth or gums if they aren’t used to it.
Laser dentistry is quick, accurate, and gaining traction in the dental world.
Digital X-Rays
Have you had the uncomfortable experience of x-rays that require a heavy vest over your chest and uncomfortable tools in your mouth?
While sometimes those x-rays are unavoidable, modern digital x-rays are getting more and more common. They’re often used to help orthodontists and dentists determine eligibility or treatment plans for things like invisible aligners, but they also show other oral health issues. They’re quick and comfortable, and they give an accurate view of the patient’s teeth. Looking for comfortable x-rays and other tech is one of these great ways to find a good dentist.
Dental Vibe
How do you feel about numbing injections?
If you’re like many people, the injection is the worst part of a dental procedure. While you know that it’s for the best, that initial pinprick and anxiety are stressful. With a DentalVibe device, dentists can prevent that pain. It provides a soothing vibration to the area that hides the pinprick.
Advanced Dental Technologies Are the Future
If your dentist isn’t using the most advanced dental technologies, it might benefit you to find someone who is. In the future, all dentists will use these things to make dentistry easier and more comfortable. Why not find one who’s ahead of the curve?
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Also read: Do You Know, Advantages of Dental Implants?