Apple has issued an urgent update warning to iPhone owners, urging them to act quickly to maintain the security and best performance of their devices. The latest iPhone was just as anticipated as usual.
Nonetheless, Apple’s latest iPhone appears to have suffered a slew of issues.
Surprisingly, with the debut of the iPhone 15, certain owners of select cars, particularly those manufactured by BMW and Toyota, complained that charging their phone in the car could result in it breaking. When using the built-in wireless charging, for example, the Apple Pay feature might occasionally cease operating.
According to Apple’s website, the iOS 17.1.1 update “provides bug fixes for your iPhone.”
“[Fixes] include: In rare cases, Apple Pay and other NFC features on iPhone 15 models may become unavailable after wireless charging in certain cars.”
“Weather Lock Screen widget may not correctly display snow”.
While this makes remote attackers more difficult to exploit, the weakness is already being used in assaults.
Users on Reddit previously complained that their phones kept turning off overnight, resulting in their alarms not waking them up in the morning.
Despite these accusations, Apple has blamed the problem on software and app-related flaws rather than its hardware and titanium frame.
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