The use of solar energy can make a decisive contribution to slowing down climate change. Interestingly, the concept is by no means new.
1. Solar energy is the richest source of energy on Earth
More solar energy hits the Earth in a single hour than all human needs in a year. Monocrystalline solar panels harness this clean energy source with the help of photovoltaic (PV) cells.
2. The optimal angle of inclination for solar systems is between 20 and 45 degrees
Typically, the optimal tilt angle is between 20 and 45 degrees, depending on the location’s latitude. If the panels are angled too far up or down, they may not receive as much sunlight as they could at an optimal angle.

3. Solar energy is a free source of energy
Solar energy is completely free, easily accessible, and available in abundance. It takes light less than 10 minutes to travel the great 90 million miles from the sun to Earth every day without stopping.
4. With solar energy, you can supply your whole house
Solar energy is one of the safest and most environmentally friendly solutions to power lights, air conditioners, water heaters, heaters, fans, electrical appliances, and much more.
5. Solar energy was first discovered in the 7th century B.C. used
Theoretically, solar energy was discovered as early as the 7th century B.C. It was used by people using magnifying glasses to light fires. In the 3rd century B.C. The Greeks and Romans began harnessing the sun’s energy with mirrors to light their torches for religious gatherings. Chinese civilization documented the use of mirrors to light their torches later in A.D. 20.
6. The potential of solar energy was officially discovered in 1839
Alexandre Edmond Becquerel discovered the “photovoltaic effect” in 1839, a year after the first coal-fired power station was built. The photovoltaic effect generates an electric current in a conductor when irradiated by the sun.
7. Silicon solar cells were developed in 1954
In 1954, Bell Labs were responsible for developing modern silicon photovoltaic cells. Since then, the efficiency of these cells has more than quadrupled while the price has dropped significantly.
8. Solar energy is the world’s most popular form of renewable energy
Due to the decreased cost and increased efficiency of solar cells, solar energy has quickly become the preferred form of new power generation. In 2022, solar power will account for nearly half of all new electricity generated in the United States.
9. Solar energy is very environmentally friendly
Aside from the pollution generated during the manufacturing process, solar energy is one of the world’s cleanest and most sustainable energy sources.
10. Solar panels lower your electricity bill
You can use feed-in tariffs and resell the excess energy you produce depending on where you live. Even if you choose to finance, your monthly loan payment may be lower than your average utility bill.
11. Solar systems have a guarantee
Most solar powered generator systems come with a guarantee, usually between 10 and 20 years, which is almost the lifespan of the solar panels.

12. You don’t have to buy solar panels right away
You don’t have to pay cash straight away to purchase a PV system. There are many other ways to afford solar and reap the benefits. There are low-interest loans and other financing options for owners of solar systems. There are also government incentives such as solar tax credits, state and local rebates, and incentives to reduce the cost of a solar installation.
13. Earth receives 174 petawatts (P.W.) of solar radiation
The Earth receives about 174 PW of solar radiation every day. One PW equals one quadrillion watts. About 30% of the solar radiation that hits Earth stays in the upper atmosphere and is reflected in space. Clouds, oceans, and land absorb the rest.
14. The production of solar modules generates only a few CO2 emissions
In contrast, the production of solar cells releases just 101 grams per kilowatt hour. If you compare the two amounts, the difference is immense. With the help of the increased use of solar energy and by reducing the use of coal-fired power plants, the CO2 emission factor can be reduced.
15. Solar energy can heat water through solar-powered hot water systems
Some solar-powered hot water systems can heat water to temperatures up to 140 degrees Celsius. In some areas, it heats 60 to 70% of domestic water.
16. Solar energy can help in the production of saltwater
Extracting salt from seawater is one of the oldest uses of solar energy. Without chemicals or electricity, solar energy can produce potable, brackish, or salt water for wastewater treatment.
17. Solar cells do not rely on direct sunlight
Modern solar cells generate electricity even when there is little sunlight. So even in winter and at night, the amount of solar power generated is much lower here.
18. Thermal storage systems can store solar energy
Solar energy in the form of heat can be stored in thermal storage systems using materials with high specific heat. You can also buy a 12V lithium battery to store solar energy.

19. There are active and passive forms of solar technology
A distinction between active and passive technology can be made in solar technology. Photovoltaic modules and solar thermal collectors harness the sun’s energy and are examples of active solar technology. Passive technology involves constructing rooms to improve airflow and orienting rooms to take advantage of sunlight.
20. The oil crisis of 1970 indirectly gave the impetus for research into solar technology
The 1970 oil crisis highlighted the fragility of fossil fuels as an energy source. This led to research into alternative energy solutions, such as B. renewable solar energy. Solar and wind energy began to gain importance around the world at this time.
21. Solar energy is recognized as the future of alternative energy
Unlike fossil fuels, solar energy does not cause pollution and helps fight climate change and the greenhouse effect. Today it is seen as the future of alternative, renewable energy production.
22. Space missions rely on solar energy
Many are surprised to learn that the space industry used solar technology to power spacecraft as early as the 1950s. The Vanguard 1, for example, was the first satellite to generate electricity from solar cells.
It is the oldest artificial satellite in orbit, having traveled more than six billion miles.
And even today, various countries use solar energy to power their spacecraft when sent out on certain space missions.
23. Solar energy is becoming increasingly affordable
Thanks to new advances in scientific research and technology, solar energy will become more and more affordable in the future. Costs are falling while efficiency continues to rise.
24. Solar energy is the third most used renewable energy source
Wind power is currently the most widely used renewable energy source in the U.S., but hydroelectric power is close behind. Solar energy is the third most widely used renewable energy source for electricity. However, due to their ease of installation and long average lifespan, residential solar panels are an important source of electricity.
25. Airplanes can fly entirely on solar power
Many know solar energy can power electric vehicles, trains, space stations, and spacecraft. But few know about solar-powered airplanes that can fly around the world without an additional source of energy. Swiss pilot and researcher Bertrand Piccard took off from Abu Dhabi in 2016 with his solar plane, the Solar Impulse II. He completed a round-the-world flight entirely on solar power and returned the following July.
26. The largest solar power plant in the world is in China
China has the largest solar power plant in the world, generating 205 gigawatts (G.W.) of electricity. This project reflects China’s position as the world’s largest solar energy market and the country’s goal to neutralize all its carbon emissions by 2060.
27. Most solar modules come from China
China is not only a pioneer in the amount of solar power produced but also in manufacturing modules. Nine of the ten leading manufacturers are based in China. Solar power is becoming more and more lucrative in Germany due to rising electricity prices. If we look at the development of electricity prices in recent years, it quickly becomes apparent that self-generated solar power is becoming more and more attractive financially.
28. Solar energy is the most popular energy source for temporary use
Solar energy is the preferred energy source for temporary use because of the abundance of solar radiation and the ease of installing off-grid solar systems. Mining districts, traveling fairs, and even the Olympic Games transport and install solar power systems at various temporary locations.

29. More than 18,000 PV systems are currently installed in Germany
Together, the systems have a total output of 212,000 kW and a total yield of 935,000 MWh. (as of September 2022)
30. Solar energy can power calculators
Solar energy can be used in various ways, but it’s less well-known that it can also power calculators. Solar-powered calculators use solar cells to capture the sun’s rays and convert them into electricity. This electrical current simultaneously charges the computer’s battery.
Solar-powered calculators don’t work as fast when it’s cloudy or when they’re exposed to little light indoors. But they collect solar energy even when they are in direct sunlight. And it only takes about an hour to charge from 0% to 100%.
31. Most solar systems in Germany face south
However, there are also many western and eastern facilities. This orientation also brings some advantages. You can find out more about this here: Solar system with an east-west orientation
32. Solar modules are practically maintenance-free
Solar panels require minimal or no maintenance and last for decades. In addition, there are no additional costs after installation, and they remain intact as long as there are no particularly severe natural disasters.
33. Solar energy is free from noise pollution
Solar panels have no moving parts and require no fuel (other than sunlight) to generate electricity. Therefore they are noise-free.
34. Solar module systems consist of five components
A residential solar system consists of a variable number of solar panels, a battery inverter, a battery, a charge controller, the wiring, and other supporting materials. The solar panels absorb the sunlight, which is converted into electricity by the inverter and then stored in the battery.
The charge controller prevents the battery from overcharging, leading to faster battery burnout. The wiring and other supporting materials protect and connect the entire system.
35. Solar batteries can provide solar power 24 hours a day
Connecting a lithium-ion solar battery to your solar system gives you constant access to electricity. Many homes and businesses buy batteries that they connect to their system so they can use solar power throughout the day, even at night or when it’s cloudy or overcast.
36. Solar energy is measured in watts (W), kilowatts (K.W.), and kilowatt hours (kWh)
W, K.W., and kWh are the most commonly used units for electricity. One K.W. equals 1000 W. However, kWh does not refer to the number of K.W. you use per hour. One kWh is the energy you would use if you ran a 1,000W tool or appliance for one hour.
37. PV solar energy generates 26 terawatt hours (TWh) in the U.S.A.
The highest increase in energy consumption in the U.S. has come from renewable energy sources. Photovoltaic power generation accounts for a large portion of this: 26 TWh of the total 98 TWh of renewable power generation in the U.S.
38. PV solar power generation increases by 145 TWh worldwide
Between 2020 and 2021, global renewable electricity generation from solar PV increased by 145 TWh.
39. Solar energy users save up to 35 tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) annually
There is an increasing collective effort to bet on clean energy sources, one of which is solar energy. Anyone who uses solar energy saves around 35 tons of CO2 emissions every year.
40. Pollution prevents the sun’s rays from reaching the Earth’s surface
There is a lot of smog and air pollution in urban areas, which harms solar power generation. The sulfates in the polluted air reflect the radiation and prevent it from reaching the Earth and, thus, the solar cells.
For example, in Delhi, India, solar radiation is 12% less than in clean air, making the city a suboptimal location for solar power production.
41. Homeowners pay for themselves in less than 10 years with their solar systems
Many financing plans help people offset the cost of a solar installation. Most homeowners can recoup their investment in about 10 years. Because ground-mounted solar panels last for several decades, you’ll have virtually no payments to make for most of the time you own a solar system.

42. The solar industry employs over 58,000 people in Germany
Photovoltaic systems not only produce a lot of electricity but also provide plenty of jobs. In 2021, the German solar energy industry employed around 58,500 people. A solar array in the Mojave Desert could provide the energy needs of the United States for a year in a single day. The Mojave Desert receives so much direct sunlight that it would generate more energy in a single day than the U.S. uses in a year if fitted with an array of solar panels.
The potential solar power generation in the Mojave Desert is twice the annual electricity consumption in the United States.
43. The average solar panel system has an efficiency of 20
The efficiency of solar panels varies by make and model, but the average solar panel has an efficiency of around 20%. That means your panels convert 20% of the sunlight that hits them into electricity. Standard-efficiency solar modules have an efficiency of 15% to 20%, and high-efficiency modules have an efficiency of 18% to 22%. Some SunPower solar panels are as efficient as 24%.
44. The acquisition costs of a PV system are a hurdle for many
High investment is one of the main reasons why many people still do not use solar energy worldwide.
45. Solar power is cheaper than energy from fossil fuels
It might be hard to believe at first, but the fact is that solar energy is cheaper than fossil fuels. Solar energy costs about 4.3 cents per kWh when not subsidized. That’s hard to believe. This makes solar energy much cheaper than all other fossil fuels, which cost between 4.2 cents per kWh and 7.8 cents per kWh.
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