Personal loans are one of the quickest ways through which individuals can borrow different amounts of money. You can use this money to cover different expenses, from weddings to home repairs, medical bills, vacations, and funerals, among others. Typically, lenders send the money to your personal bank account to use it the way you would like to, and immediately after you get the money. However, you should not apply for personal loans without reading through their terms and conditions.
That notwithstanding, did you know that some lenders are so good at this to a point of getting you a loan on the same day you have applied?
How to Get a Same Day Personal Loan
If you want to quickly get through the personal loan application process and get your loan approved within the shortest time possible, you need to follow these steps;
1. Gather the required documentation
It is important to understand all the documentation that the lender might require from you. This might be required when verifying your income, identity, and any other information required. If you ask a lender, they will tell you that the time taken to process a loan depends on how a borrower provides the required documentation.
2. Calculate loan repayments
Different lenders and other online platforms offer loan calculators that allow borrowers to check the amount of money they will be required to pay back every month. This is determined by the loan term and things like the borrower’s credit score. Make sure that the monthly repayment is something you can afford.
3. Pre-qualification and loan comparison
When you pre-qualify for a loan, lenders can see how much money they can loan you as well as your creditworthiness. However, it is important to note that this does not mean that you are now guaranteed of getting a loan. However, you can compare different personal loan offers at this stage without having any effect on your credit score.
4. Apply for a personal loan
After the previous three steps, you can now start the actual application process. Depending on the lender you choose, you can apply online or visit their offices. If you follow the steps here carefully and choose the right lender, you can get your loan approved on the same day that you apply.
Finding a Reputable Same-Day Personal Loan Option
Finding a reputable same-day personal loan option is not a walk in the park. For you to be effective, you might have to analyze different personal loans offered by traditional and online lending institutions. This includes small to large credit unions.
Fortunately, you do not have to do this manually. This is because modern firms use technology to make the process easy for you. For instance, you can take a look at Sofi personal loan options to see how this works. Within a few minutes, you will have analyzed different loan options and settled on one that meets your requirements.
When evaluating different personal loan lenders, there are a couple of things you need to look at. They include;
- Creditor loan sizes and payment limits: Different lenders have different sizes of loans, ranging between $500 and $100,000. They also have different loan sizes and payment limits. Make sure that you understand the creditor loan sizes and payment limits. This is important for your interest rates.
- Autopay discounts: Some lenders might reward you when you enroll for autopay. With this, you will have your APR lowered by up to 0.5%. You should, therefore, consider autopay discounts.
- Fund disbursement: Most lenders will send your loan electronically to your bank account. Others will get you a paper check instead. Some offer to directly pay your creditors, helping you eliminate bank charges.
- Penalties for an early payoff: What would happen if you got money and wanted to repay your loan early? Get a lender that does not charge any fee for early payoff.
- Application process: Since you are looking for a same-day personal loan, you should also look at the application process of the lender you choose. They should be able to make approval decisions on the day of application.
- Fixed-rate APR: You need to avoid variable rates when applying for a personal loan. This is because your interest rate can go up during your loan term. It can also go down. However, always go for a fixed-rate APR.
So, Can You Get a Personal Loan Approved on the Day You Apply?
Well, the answer is yes. However, you need to ensure that the lender you choose offers same-day personal loans. Following the guide above, you will easily get your loan approved on the same day you apply.
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