In a cinematic landscape where romantic comedies face an uncertain future, “Anyone But You” emerges as a beacon of hope, directed by Will Gluck and co-written by Ilana Wolpert. Starring Glen Powell and Sydney Sweeney, this fresh take on Shakespeare’s “Much Ado About Nothing” injects vitality back into the genre.
A Modern Love Story
The film introduces us to Ben (Glen Powell), a finance professional with emotional baggage, and Bea (Sydney Sweeney), a law student questioning her career path. Their chance encounter sparks a day of passionate connection, fueled by genuine conversations and grilled cheese. The narrative unfolds as they navigate the complexities of modern love, blending humor and heart.
Contemporary Characters, Classic Story
Similar to Gluck’s past success with “Easy A,” “Anyone But You” modernizes classic storytelling with characters facing relatable millennial challenges. Ben’s emotional barricade and Bea’s fear of breaking from societal expectations create a dynamic that resonates with authenticity.
Chemistry and Performances
The film’s core strength lies in the palpable chemistry between Powell and Sweeney. Powell’s charismatic portrayal, reminiscent of Kurt Russell’s charm, complements Sweeney’s poignant performance, evoking Melanie Griffith in “Working Girl.” The duo’s connection is vividly captured through skillful cinematography, emphasizing both their characters’ passion and vulnerability.
Subverting Rom-Com Tropes
Gluck’s directorial finesse shines in subverting expectations. The film incorporates nudity judiciously, focusing on Powell’s physique for comedic effect rather than conventional allure. Sweeney, positioned in whimsical situations, showcases her slapstick prowess. These moments, paired with creative visual storytelling, add a unique flavor to the rom-com genre.
Blend of Comedy and Romance
“Anyone But You” skillfully balances comedic elements with romantic nuances. Scenes of Ben cooking grilled cheese and Bea singing his “serenity song” provide warmth, while subverting clichéd romantic tropes. The film’s emotional complexity unfolds through unconventional declarations of love, emphasizing a genuine desire for the other’s happiness.
Arriving in theaters on December 22nd, “Anyone But You” promises to redefine romantic comedies for the modern audience. With its contemporary characters, charismatic leads, and a blend of humor and heart, the film invites viewers to embrace the complexities of love in an ever-evolving world.