Alita: Battle Angel is an animated action film inspired by Japanese manga. The director of the film is Robert Rodriguez. The first part of the film received a lot of good reviews because of life-like animation and character design. It also grossed a lot of money in the box office. Here is good news for science fiction fans. The sequel of the film is somewhere on the horizon and set for release. Know about Alita: Battle Angel 2 release date here.
When will it release?
The release date of the film is not yet out. However, the first part of the film ended with the possibility of a sequel. The sequel will have more action and more depth than the first part. So we have to wait to get more news from the creators.
The Plot of Alita Battle Angel
The film is set in the year 2563 after a worldwide war titled The Fall. After three hundred years a scientist named Ido finds the body of a female cyborg with the human brain. He assembles the body of the cyborg and names her Alita after his dead daughter. Alita wakes up with no memories of her past life. She becomes friends with a man named Hugo who aspires to live in the rich city of Zalem. She also tries to know about her past and fights with the villains to save her loved ones. In the story, Alita’s love interest Hugo dies which made fans very dissatisfied with the ending.
Plot expectations for Alita: Battle Angel 2
As Alita is grieving Hugo’s death, in the sequel we will be able to see her avenging the people who killed him. She may try to destroy Nova the vicious technocrat overlord. She may also meet other people with evil intentions in the second part. As Alita with her excellent skills has risen to become a motor ball superstar we may see her taking part in more tournaments. We may also get a glimpse of the past life of Alita. She has many hidden skills in her body which will get revealed in the sequel.
The cast details
- Rosa Salazar voices Alita
She is a reassembled female cyborg with a human brain who is suffering from amnesia due to crash.
- Christoph Waltz voices Dr Dyson Ido
He is a scientist who revives Alita. He is also a bounty hunter and is a father figure to Alita.
- Jennifer Connelly voices Dr Chiren
She is the ex-wife of Dr Ido. She works for Vector as she is a great cyborg engineer.
- Mahershala Ali voices Vector
He is a rich entrepreneur who has many criminal connections.
- Ed Skrein voices Zapan
He is a cyborg bounty hunter who develops ill feelings towards Alita.
- Jackie Earle Haley voices Grewishka
He is a strong cyborg criminal who works for Nova.
- Keean Johnson voices Hugo
He is the love interest of Alita and changes his scrap dealing job for her.
Alita: battle Angel 2 Trailer
Alita: Battle Angel 2 is going to be a great sequel. We will see Alita turn into a powerful and strong warrior. She has a lot of potential in her to end the reign of the criminal empire afflicting innocent people and cyborg.