“After Life” is a British comedy-drama Netflix original web series. Ricky Gervais is the writer, director, and producer of the series. He also plays the protagonist of the series which is remarkable particularly for his comical talents. Notably, many audiences praised his performance in it and are expecting the arrival of After Life Season 3 with the same brilliant casts. However, there is no official news about the information yet we can be sure that there will be one in the coming future.
After Life series is about Tony the protagonist gives up the hope of living after the death of his wife due to breast cancer. When Tony attempts to end his life he gets another plan instead that is to punish others by doing and saying whatever he wants. He thinks about this newfound quality as a superpower. However, his plan goes awry because when he tries to punish people they, on the other hand, aid him to overcome his grief. Later he improves his life and becomes a better person. The story is set on the imaginary town of Tambury where Tony works in the office of The Tambury Gazette.
After Life Season 3 Release date
If given thumbs up the season 3 of After Life will release on Netflix on April 2021. There has been no official confirmation from the creators but we can be hopeful of it. Director Ricky Gervais spoke about the possibilities for the development of the series. In one recent interview, he hinted about it. As many people are waiting for the new season we can be sure that there will be one because of its popularity.
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After Life season 3 Trailer
The Trailer of season 3 of After Life is not out now but if there is one you can find the update here. Similar to the previous seasons of After Life the new season will also have six amazing episodes. Ricky Gervais will play as Tony with the same feeling and humour. We may seem him improving more on his life in the new season.
Still, you can enjoy watching Season 2 trailer
After Life Season 3 Cast
The characters of the previous seasons will reprise their roles if there is a new season. Some of the main cast members’ are-
- Ricky Gervais cast as Tony Johnson
- Tom Basden cast as Matt
- Tony Way cast as Lenny
- Diane Morgan cast as Kath
- Mandeep Dhillon cast as Sandy
- Ashley Jensen cast as Emma
- David Bradley cast as Ray Johnson
- Penelope Wilton cast as Anne
- David Earl cast as Brian
- Jo Hartley cast as June
- Roisin Conaty cast as Daphne
The best part of After Life is its realistic approach to life. It sometimes shows heart-touching moments that many people can relate too. The portrayal of characters is fantastic as the growth of character is the main focus of the show. Although there is no official news regarding season 3 let us hope for it.
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