In recent times, debates about the “pay-to-win” issue have gained much ground in the gaming community. In fact, this debate has divided the gaming community into two sections. One section, advocates against this feature. In fact, maximum gamers fall into this category. On the other hand, a handful of gamers support this feature. Those who speak against it argue that this feature gives more power to those who are economically well off, thereby depriving the majority of the gaming community. This, therefore, has been a controversial issue in modern-day gaming.
Apex Legends has also witnessed this issue. In the recent past, the “Heat Sink” has witnessed this controversy in the game. There was a claim by gamers that the iron sights of the skin are “pay-to-win” in nature, as compared to the default skin. The developers took down that skin following this controversy. However, again such a controversy has started with a Season 5 weapon skin. This is the second controversy in such a short period. If you wish to know more about this controversy, then this article is the perfect stop for you. Keep reading this article to know more about the recent controversy.
The New “pay-to-win” Controversy in Apex Legends

The PVPX of Cloud9 recently tweeted that there is yet another “pay-to-win” controversy in the monthly store of Apex Legends. This new controversy is built around “Teal Zeal” in the monthly store. However, this skin is not a new one in the market. But there is a trend that many skins get attention only after it is re-introduced in the store. In addition, the audience of Apex Legends has increased manifolds since its first introduction. Therefore, now the exposure is even greater this time.
A side by side comparison with the default skin reveals that this skin has repeatedly used those features that “Heat skin” had. Therefore this has sparked the controversy yet again. Earlier the developers stated that they have taken the suggestions of the gamers about the Season 4 controversy seriously. However this new skin shows no effect of that. The earlier iron sight was easier to use and the loading was also easy. This provided an edge to those who had it. The “Teal Zeal” also acts similarly and takes up less space. It is also more effective. Therefore comes the controversy.
Thus the new skin has sparked new controversy. The “Teal Zeal” has sparked off a new debate about “pay-to-win”.
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