In the uncertain world that we live in today, solar energy is the future of powering our homes. It offers many benefits, from immunity in the face of fluctuating global prices to a clean conscience in an increasingly polluted world. If you’re considering switching to solar energy for your home, you might find yourself confused by the many options available in the market today.
The hybrid solar system is one such option in the world of solar energy. While some solar energy systems disconnect you completely from the electricity grid, others keep you connected. The hybrid solar system gives you the best benefits of both these options.
Keep reading to learn more about what hybrid solar systems are and how they work.
What is a Hybrid Solar System?
A hybrid solar system is a specific kind of solar energy system that allows you to generate energy for yourself from sunlight while also remaining connected to the energy grid as a backup. It also usually makes use of a battery system as a backup to store any extra electricity your solar panels generate.
How Does a Hybrid Solar System Work?
Hybrid solar systems work like any other solar energy system: energy from the sunlight is collected and stored in solar panels. Your hybrid solar system will make use of an inverter to convert this energy into a form of electricity that can be used at home.
This electricity can be used either to power your home, be collected in your battery for later use, or be connected to the electricity grid.
The hybrid solar system, thus, has three levels of power supply: it can supply your home directly, store energy in a battery, or draw from the electricity grid. Therefore, the hybrid solar system is extremely useful for when you run out of power in your battery because you can simply turn to the electricity grid to draw power.
The Benefits of A Hybrid Solar System
Due to its all-rounder and versatile nature, the hybrid solar system comes with many benefits – especially if you opt for a high-quality hybrid solar system from reliable brands like Luminous.
1. Self Sufficiency
A hybrid solar system allows you full control over your electricity supply. With solar panels and a battery to store the extra energy they generate, you can produce all the electricity you need for yourself and become entirely self-sufficient for your energy needs. This is no small benefit at a time when energy prices and supply chain disruptions are at an all-time global high.
2. No – or Very Low – Electricity Bills
Hybrid solar systems can also bring your electricity bills to zero. Precisely because you are now self-sufficient, with a little bit of energy management, you won’t need to pay any electricity bills. If, however, you do run out of power in your battery, you have the added security of being able to turn to the power grid for your energy supplies.
3. Security
In case of bad weather or even excessive night-time use, a hybrid solar system is structured to use the electricity grid as backup. Thus, even if you run out of the energy you have generated, you don’t have to go without electricity.
Choosing to opt for a hybrid solar system can be a daunting task, especially with the installation costs involved. However, it can also be an extremely efficient choice in the long run. Ultimately, despite the large investment in the beginning, what you save by opting for hybrid solar systems, in the long run, will allow you to more than recover the initial investment costs of installation.
A good manufacturing company, like Luminous, can help you choose the right technology and solar panel system that is a good fit for your particular situation.
Visit their website today to learn more!
Also read: How Long Does It Take Solar Panels to Pay for Themselves?